The Books I’ve Authored

My Qur’an Journal

There are moments in your life where you may recite or listen to some verses of the Quran and within that special moment, it feels as if those verses were exactly what you wanted, or even needed, to hear or recite.

My Quran Journal allows you to record these moments and connect more deeply with the Quran. It is a system of penning your reflections, appreciation and gratitude. Many of us tend to recite the Quran regularly but how often do we find the time to just truly slow down and reflect upon the words of Allah and what He is telling us? We undertook a Quran Journal survey in the early months of 2022. Within four weeks of pushing out this survey, we received an astonishing 170 responses! One of the questions we had asked within the survey was: ‘Have you ever owned a Quran Journal?’ and 88.2% of the respondents replied with no! Also, we undertook over 15 focus group interviews with a diverse range of audiences. Within these interviews, we had realised that there was so much demand for a Quran Journal. A lot of the participants mentioned how they wanted a book which helped them to connect more deeply with the Quran.

Recite. Revise. Reflect.

When we think of the Quran, these three words are very commonly associated with this beautiful book. In fact, our relationship and connection with the Quran can be summarised in these very three words. My Quran Journal is centred around the these three core concepts. When we recite the Quran, our duty is to not only recite the Quran in any shape or form but in a correct and melodious manner. Whether we have memorised or are just simply reciting the Quran, it is every Muslim’s duty to revise the Quran.

*Please note: any orders for My Quran Journal books placed from Saturday 8th April 2023 onwards will be shipped between 1st – 31st May 2023.*

Due to an overwhelming demand, we have sold out copies of My Quran Journal from the first shipment of books.
Insha’Allah the second shipment of Quran Journals will arrive into the UK in May 2023 and we are hoping to send out pre-orders by the end of May 2023.
In the meantime, please also see our pinned post on our Instagram page for other stockists of My Quran Journal.

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365 Tips for Memorising The Qur’an

The aim of this book is to support and motivate anyone who wishes to either memorise or retain their memory of the Qur’an. Whether you are a Hifdh student or have already become a Hafidh/Hafidhah, this book will InshaAllah guide and support you in your Hifdh journey. The concept of the 365 tips is quite simple; one motivational tip for each day of the year!

Published by National Huffadh Association UK (

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365 Tips for Teaching The Qur’an


The purpose of this book is to provide daily inspiration and guidance for anyone who wishes to teach the Qur’an. This book aims to centralise the teaching tips into one concise book and aims to be the ultimate Qur’an teaching handbook for anyone who wishes to teach the Qur’an. In this book, each daily tip is explained further; which gives the reader a more detailed guidance of how to practically implement each teaching tip into real life. We have also included  52 inspiring teaching quotes of the week, to help motivate the reader further!

Qari Is’Haaq Jasat is the founder of National Huffadh Association UK. At the age of 12, he  memorised the Qur’an and has been actively involved in teaching Qur’an for 15 years, including three years as a Madrasah Principal in London. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Law and has been teaching across the secondary school sector for 10 years. He attained an internationally recognised Qualified Teacher Status qualification (QTS) from the University of East London. Most recently, Qari Is’Haaq has successfully completed the National Professional Qualification for Middle Leadership (NPQML) course.

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